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Software and Accessories

Software and Accessories

25-mm lens
For wide-field-of-view applications.
50-mm lens
For medium-field-of-view applications.
100-mm lens
For narrow-field-of-view applications.
200-mm lens
For long-distance applications.
G1x lens
Telops-designed 1X Microscope
G4x lens
4X Microscope
Motorized polarizer
Allows hyperspectral measurements in a linear polarization state at a user-defined angle, for better discrimination of targets, such as man-made objects, surface contaminants and liquid films.
0.25x telescope
Telops-designed telescope, FOV of 24 × 20°
3.5x telescope
Telops-designed telescope, FOV of 1.8 × 1.5°
Reveal D&I
Automatic gas detection and identification software.